My Journey...

I truly love life and being there for others. Early on I worked as a lifeguard and EMT. Later, I found joy working as an exercise physiologist at a water therapy pool and currently at a large healthcare foundation. Helping people meet their health and wellness goals is my calling. 

There have been challenges in my own life with a near-death bike accident that had me re-learning how to walk, gaining weight, feeling depressed and having to find the motivation to get out of the house and start moving again. This led me to hire my own coach, determine a fitness goal and work toward completing my first Ironman and eventually qualifying and competing in the Hawaiian Ironman. I’ve also had to put my best foot forward when faced with a breast cancer diagnosis, surgeries and planning for a full recovery. But it has been the loss of loved ones early in my life that gave me the profound knowledge that life is precious and we have to make the most of the time we are given. 

You are the reason I became a health coach. I look forward to hearing your story, learning your health and wellness goals and devising the very best strategy that will have you living the life you love. 

I would be honored to be your coach


ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
ACE Certified Health Coach