Blog Introduction

Would you like to explore new ways to improve your health and wellness? Do you have a few moments each day to consider what action you can take to feel good on a regular basis? You deserve a body that is happy and a mind that is at peace. Wellness Your Way is a 52 week guide that provides a map toward not just living but thriving, a new way of being that feels personal and right for you. This Blog is taken directly from the pages of my book so you can have access of the information for free. Each week in the book, there is an Action Plan, to document and track your goals and intentions. I recommend either buying the book or using your own journal or notebook. 

I am sharing the information, strategies and tools that have brought me sustained health and wellness. A mindful approach that has helped me turn tragedy into my greatest strengths. Just out of college, I was in a near fatal bike accident that took me from training for triathlons to recovery and regaining the ability to walk. I gained weight, felt depressed and lost my sense of self. I had to look within and connect with the mind-body strategies I will share with you, that not only led me down the road to recovery but successfully allowed me to qualify and participate in the Hawaiian Ironman. I am currently navigating a breast cancer diagnosis. I feel confident that I can gracefully meet each day with my best self. I have gratitude in my heart, a quiet contentment that all will go well  and a knowledge that I know how to take care of my body and come out on the other side of this a better person inside and out. 

I have made a practice out of studying wellness and I will share with you my knowledge. It is not about seeking perfection or the easy way out, but what works in real life to give you results. By taking a year to enhance your well-being, natural evolution will not seem overwhelming but will happen gradually and with great care, placing an emphasis on the things that matter most to you. This is your adventure and I am honored to be your guide. Thank you for trusting and allowing me to share the insights I have gained as a health and wellness practitioner for over 20 years. Follow this blog or buy the book and launch your self into a lifestyle where you flourish! 

I wish you wellness,   Michelle