Week 2 – Bring Out Your Brilliance

Week 2 – Bring out your Brilliance

You have everything inside of you to live with true wellness. Getting in touch with the signals and messages your mind and body gives allows you to feel alive and be happy. You know how to move in ways that feel good, and to eat foods that are nourishing. You know the correct amount of sleep for you and take notice when you are feeling too much stress or find yourself overly busy. It is important to take time to listen, adjust and make decisions for your health and well-being. You have great knowledge and wisdom. Take time to slow down and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Allow yourself this care and commitment, and you will enable your brilliance to shine. 

Think back on a time when your body was trying to tell you something and you ignored the message. What was the result? Did you experience physical or emotional pain? 

These experiences give us valuable insight and opportunities to learn what works for us as an individual. Based on this knowledge, what comes to mind as a way to listen to your body and heed its message?

What action would you like to take this week that honors your mind and body? Stick with your daily action from last week and if you like, add an additional goal for this week.

Healthy Mind + Healthy Body = Happy Life!” – Michelle