Week 9 – Commitment and Consistency

Let’s take a look at what will bring you results and really propel you toward your health and wellness goals. You have created life-long habits. Some have been good for you and others have hijacked your health. Changing your routine and setting new healthy habits takes commitment and consistency. Answer these questions to encourage and support your desire for wellness. 

What do you want for yourself?

How will you achieve that desire?

What are you committing to do right now?

How realistic is this commitment?

How can you set yourself up for success?

What might get in the way?

What strategies will keep you focused and on track?

How will you track your efforts?

Who can provide support and encouragement?

What rewards will help you with motivation?

Take the time to use your Action Plan, Look at it Daily and Document your Achievements!

“You are worth it so make it happen and feel the benefits.” – Michelle