Week 11 – Positive Mindset

One of the greatest gifts that we can give ourselves is the ability to shape our thoughts in ways that are more kind and conducive to our goals. Noticing negative thoughts and then actively changing those thoughts to be more optimistic, less judgemental, and more encouraging toward what you want for yourself, will sustain your motivation. Finding a way to see that life is good, that you can learn from your mistakes, that people care, that you have what it takes to get through any situation, and being grateful for your abilities, demonstrates a hopeful perspective.

Creating a positive mindset requires diligence to notice what you are thinking and persistence to reframe your thoughts as positive. One way to do this is to pretend you are the coach of a best friend or loved one. What would you say to them in this moment? Now turn that thinking inward and say it to yourself. 

Write down some negative thoughts that you have about yourself or your circumstances. Below these, write down some positive and encouraging thoughts you can have instead. 

Negative Thought:

Positive Alternative Thoughts:

Negative Thought:

Positive Alternative Thoughts:

Negative Thought:

Positive Alternative Thoughts:

Your mindset is your greatest asset in getting you to your goals. If there was one area where you had to be an overachiever, let it be in having a positive mindset. Be your own best coach. Tell yourself you deserve this, you are willing to work for it and you will be successful!

“If you are positive, you will see opportunities instead of obstacles.” – Confucius