Week 13 – Walk Tall

Walking is one of the most easily accessible forms of movement but a poor walking posture can be tough on our feet, back, muscles and joints. Walking with improved posture can have you traveling longer distances with greater comfort. It facilitates breathing, strengthens the supportive muscles in your spine and more evenly distributes your weight over both feet.

Before you go for a walk, be sure to wear supportive shoes and clean socks to avoid blisters and foot pain. It is better to start with a short walk, with good posture, that you will enjoy the entire time. If you start to feel discomfort then let that be an indication that you have walked too long and go for a shorter walk the next time. It is better to walk daily for a short amount of time and gradually increase the time, than to walk longer for fewer days and not enjoy the walk. As you become stronger you will be able to walk for longer distances. Enjoy your walks!

If you feel unstable on your feet or have balance issues, try walking with trekking poles. They will allow you to maintain an upright posture, decrease some pressure on your back and joints and even give you a little bit of an upper body workout. 

Keep these tips in mind to walk with a tall posture.

  • Visualize the top of your head being pulled up to the ceiling or sky
  • Hold your head up and look at the horizon, just glance down for safety
  • Allow your arms to naturally swing at your side
  • Picture your pelvis like a bucket of water and don’t tip the bucket forward or back
  • Walk from heel to toe, pushing off the ground with the ball of your foot


  • Create a list of best walks in your area and start checking off the list
  • Sign up for a 5k or other event to stay motivated with your training
  • Find a walking partner to keep you motivated and looking forward to your walk
  • Listen to music, podcasts or books on tape. Keep one ear free to hear
  • Wear a device to track your steps. Try to gradually increase toward 10,000/day

Your Thoughts and Ideas and Places for Walking Tall:

“Put on shoes, go out the door, follow your desire to experience more.” – Michelle